Pritchels and Punches - Hammers - Hand tools - ET Hoofcare

Pritchels and Punches

Pritchel Jim Blurton GB
Pritchel Jim Blurton GB
Good punch for a clean hole for hoof nails
Pritchel Swan GB
Pritchel Swan GB
A dimensionally stable punch designed to perfect nail holes in horseshoes. Length 300 mm
Pritchel Baumann 3 for pins
Pritchel Baumann 3 for pins
For preparation when hammering the carbide pins in horseshoes
Pritchel Mustad
Pritchel Mustad
Inexpensive punch
Pritchel Bloom Forge
Pritchel Bloom Forge
A dimensionally stable punch designed to perfect nail holes in horseshoes. Length 250 mm
Nail set knurled Baumann PB 725 3
Nail set knurled Baumann PB 725 3
Help with driving out the hoof nails
Stud hole punch 0 mini (6.55-7.40mm)
Stud hole punch 0 mini (6.55-7.40mm)
Help in driving the plug-in studs with a conical shaped small punch
Stud hole punch 1 pony (7.90-8.55mm)
Stud hole punch 1 pony (7.90-8.55mm)
Help in driving the plug-in studs with a conical shaped small punch
Stud hole punch 3 Mordax (8.65-9.65mm)
Stud hole punch 3 Mordax (8.65-9.65mm)
Help in driving the plug-in studs with a conical shaped small punch
Bob Punch Gardner
Bob Punch Gardner
Hand hammer for pulling clips