Concorde St. Croix - Racing Plates - Racing Shoeing - Horseshoes steel - Farrier Products - ET Hoofcare

Concorde St. Croix

Concorde Xtra front 4 TC
Concorde Xtra front 4 TC
A slightly wider gallop shoe of good USA steel, 124 mm wide
Exclusive trade partner
Concorde Xtra front 5 TC
Concorde Xtra front 5 TC
A slightly wider gallop shoe of good USA steel, 129 mm wide
Exclusive trade partner
Concorde Xtra front 6 TC
Concorde Xtra front 6 TC
A slightly wider gallop shoe of good USA steel, 134 mm wide
Exclusive trade partner
Concorde Xtra front 7 TC
Concorde Xtra front 7 TC
A slightly wider gallop shoe of good USA steel, 140 mm wide
Exclusive trade partner
Concorde Xtra front 8 TC
Concorde Xtra front 8 TC
A slightly wider gallop shoe of good USA steel, 145 mm wide
Exclusive trade partner
Concorde Xtra hind 4 SC
Concorde Xtra hind 4 SC
A slightly wider gallop shoe of good USA steel, 118 mm wide
Exclusive trade partner
Concorde Xtra hind 5 SC
Concorde Xtra hind 5 SC
A slightly wider gallop shoe of good USA steel, 122 mm wide
Exclusive trade partner
Concorde Xtra hind 6 SC
Concorde Xtra hind 6 SC
A slightly wider gallop shoe of good USA steel, 127 mm wide
Exclusive trade partner
Concorde hind 2 TC
Concorde hind 2 TC
Exclusive trade partner
Concorde hind 3 TC
Concorde hind 3 TC
Exclusive trade partner
Concorde hind 4 TC
Concorde hind 4 TC
Exclusive trade partner
Concorde hind 5 TC
Concorde hind 5 TC
Exclusive trade partner
Concorde hind 6 TC
Concorde hind 6 TC
Exclusive trade partner
Concorde hind 7 TC
Concorde hind 7 TC
Exclusive trade partner
Concorde hind 8 TC
Concorde hind 8 TC
Exclusive trade partner
Concorde front 2 TC
Concorde front 2 TC
A good profiled gallop shoe of solid steel, 113 mm wide
Exclusive trade partner
Concorde front 3 TC
Concorde front 3 TC
A good profiled gallop shoe of solid steel, 114 mm wide
Exclusive trade partner
Concorde front 4 TC
Concorde front 4 TC
A good profiled gallop shoe of solid steel, 124 mm wide
Exclusive trade partner
Concorde front 5 TC
Concorde front 5 TC
A good profiled gallop shoe of solid steel, 129 mm wide
Exclusive trade partner
Concorde front 6 TC
Concorde front 6 TC
A good profiled gallop shoe of solid steel, 133 mm wide
Exclusive trade partner
Concorde front 7 TC
Concorde front 7 TC
A good profiled gallop shoe of solid steel, 138 mm wide
Exclusive trade partner
Concorde front 8 TC
Concorde front 8 TC
A good profiled gallop shoe of solid steel, 144 mm wide
Exclusive trade partner
Concorde hind 2 SC
Concorde hind 2 SC
A good profiled gallop shoe of solid steel, 110 mm wide
Exclusive trade partner
Concorde hind 3 SC
Concorde hind 3 SC
A good profiled gallop shoe of solid steel, 113 mm wide
Exclusive trade partner
Concorde hind 4 SC
Concorde hind 4 SC
A good profiled gallop shoe of solid steel, 118 mm wide
Exclusive trade partner
Concorde hind 5 SC
Concorde hind 5 SC
A good profiled gallop shoe of solid steel, 124 mm wide
Exclusive trade partner
Concorde hind 6 SC
Concorde hind 6 SC
A good profiled gallop shoe of solid steel, 129 mm wide
Exclusive trade partner
Concorde hind 7 SC
Concorde hind 7 SC
A good profiled gallop shoe of solid steel, 133 mm wide
Exclusive trade partner
Concorde hind 8 SC
Concorde hind 8 SC
A good profiled gallop shoe of solid steel, 138 mm wide
Exclusive trade partner