Farrier's Formula Double - Hoof and Skin Dietary Supplement. - ET Hoofcare

Farrier's Formula 2x5Kg refill bag

Unit price per SET
Item no. 550-040-000
SET contains 2 PIECE
Farrier's Formula 2x5Kg refill bag Farrier's Formula 2x5Kg refill bag

Hoof and skin dietary supplement, 2 x 5kg refill 

Farrier's Formula, Hoof and skin dietary supplement for horses 

Farrier's Formula Double Concentrate is a pelleted hoof and skin dietary supplement for healthy hooves and skin.

It contains essential micronutrients such as phospholipids, omega fatty acids, vitamins, minerals and essential amino acids.

Farrier's Formula Double Concentrate promotes rapid, solid growth of the hoof wall, sole, frog and heel. In addition, Farrier's Formula Double Concentrate ensures a shiny, well-colored coat and strong joints and tendons.

Rich concentration

Its concentration is double that of the standard formula, which means it offers a higher concentration of essential nutrients in a smaller quantity.

Biotin, omega-3 fatty acids, essential minerals and precious amino acids come together in this advanced formula, offering comprehensive support for the health of horses' hooves. Increased concentration means that each dose offers maximum potency, ensuring optimal absorption of vital nutrients.

When should Farrier's Formula Double Concentrate be used?

A weakened hoof structure can lead to a variety of wall problems, such as seimes quartes, claw cracks, crown cracks, weakened walls and wall separation. These imperfections in the hoof wall often create an environment conducive to microbial invasion, encouraging the development of white line disease and horn crumbling. This phenomenon is also observed in horses with soft, thin soles, exposing them to sudden limping due to bruising. Similarly, horses recovering from laminitis may experience complications.

Farrier's Formula Double Concentrate can prevent or treat these effects.

Farrier's Formula Double Concentrate can be added to the horse's usual feed or given separately.

Nutritional recommendations:

For a bodyweight of 450 kg, give 85 g (119 ml) per day with or without concentrated feed. Adjust the amount if the weight is above or below normal.

Body weight Grams/day

225 kg 43 g (60 ml)

450 kg 85 g (119 ml)

678 kg 128 g (179 ml)

900 kg 170 g (238 ml)


After six to eight months of feeding, or when symptoms have disappeared, the dosage can be halved. If problems reappear, return to the original dosage.

Foals to adulthood

Dosage as for adult horses, based on expected body weight as per table.

Foal suckling

For suckling foals, give 22 g (30 ml) per day

As with any supplement, it is always advisable to consult a veterinarian or equine professional before incorporating Farrier's Formula Double Concentrate into your horse's nutrition, to determine the appropriate dosage according to your animal's specific needs.

Non-doping product


Form & Type: Pellets
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