Craftwork Ultra-Light Sport, 4000ml - Putties - silicone - ET Hoofcare

Craftwork Ultra-Light Sport, 4000ml

Item no. 520-146-001
Exclusive trade partner
Craftwork Ultra-Light Sport, 4000ml Craftwork Ultra-Light Sport, 4000ml

CRAFTWORK silicone paste – premium hoof pad is a light weight modeling clay with hardener

Elastomeric silicone based on polysiloxane, condensation-curing.

Product description:

The silicone mass is made from high-quality raw materials in Germany. Special fillers make mixing easier and perfect the homogeneity of the mixing result. The silicone mass offers a consistency and hardness tailored to the respective areas of application.


Mixing ratio: 19g putty material (approx. 2 spoons): 0.5g paste hardener (approx. 2.5cm)

Kneadable mass:

Remove the required portion of the plasticine and flatten it a little. Apply the appropriate unit of paste hardener to the putty. Knead both units into a homogeneous mass until a uniform color is achieved. However, keep to the mixing time.

Work and safety instructions:

The products mentioned above may only be used in accordance with the instructions for use provided. Any other use not in accordance with these instructions for use is the sole liability of the user.

  • Close the can and tube tightly again immediately after use
  • To prevent intolerances, do not combine with C silicones from other manufacturers
  • We recommend vinyl gloves or PE-based gloves for mixing
  • Avoid contact with clothing as cross-linked silicones are chemically resistant and form non-removable stains
  • Storage: Store between 5°C and 27°C
  • Optimal processing temperature 23°C

Technical data and features:

Color: beige-brown

Mixing time: 30 seconds

Processing time including mixing time: 1:45 minutes

The times refer to 23°C and a relative humidity of 50±10%.

The general rule is: higher temperatures accelerate, lower temperatures delay the setting of the product.


  • Avoid eye contact with the impression material. In case of contact with eyes, rinse immediately with plenty of water and consult an ophthalmologist immediately.
  • Allergic reactions may occur in sensitive people. If in doubt, consult a dermatologist or allergist before use. If acute allergic reactions occur during treatment, treatment with the product should be stopped immediately and a doctor should be consulted.
  • Craftwork